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2022 Holiday Limited Sessions - Ellicott City Maryland Portrait Photographer/ Photo Studio

This Christmas...

Come celebrate the post pandemic with our very first Holiday Limited Family Session in three years! Bring your loved ones together and gift them a luxury portrait session, with classy fine art portraits to bring home. Spots are limited! So don't wait until last minute.

contemporary glamour wall portrait design_Family Wall Portrait_family photographer_outdoor photoshoot_studio photoshoot_Crystal Tseng Photography_Portrait Studio_Ellicott City_Baltimore_Maryland

(Crystal Tseng Photography: Upgrade to Vintage framing is available upon request)

Date: 12/1, 12/3-12/5 (1:00-4:00pm) WHO: Family of 6 or less than 6 people


-15 minutes photoshoot -25 minutes photos reviewing and ordering -High-end retouching and editing Products:

-One 16x20 floating framed canvas ($700 value)

-One 8x10 matted professionally printed photo

-One corresponding digital image in low resolution for small prints and web sharing


Formal outfits, such as tuxedoes and gowns, are recommended. Here are color combinations that we suggest: Option 1: Everyone wears black in different styles Option 2: Everyone wears black with Dad wearing white tuxedo Option 2: Everyone wears black with Mom wearing a dress with shimmering details Option 3: Everyone wears black with one child or mom wearing green

NOTES: A $150 retaining fee is required for booking your holiday limited session and is non-refundable. You may use the retaining fee toward part of your full family session in the future due to emergency. We will do our best to have your wall portrait ready before Christmas; however, due to the high-demand orders in the lab, we are afraid that we cannot guarantee the turnaround time. Thank you so much for your understanding.

FEE: $750 + 6%tax ($150 retaining fee included)


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